Singing Guide: Monk & Neagle

Singing Guide: Monk & Neagle

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to sing like Monk & Neagle can be an exciting way to broaden your vocal range and explore complex harmonies. As a duo, Monk & Neagle are known for their emotive lyrics, upbeat melodies and a unique twist on contemporary Christian music. In this article, we'll break down their style and share tips and resources to help you develop your own Monk & Neagle-like voice.

Step 1: Determine your Vocal Range

Before you start singing Monk & Neagle, you need to know your vocal range. Use Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test to determine your vocal range accurately. Once you know your vocal range, you can select the songs within your range and pitch them correctly. Some of the best Monk & Neagle songs to start are 'The Twenty-First Time' or 'More Than That.'

Step 2: Explore their unique vocal style

Learning Monk & Neagle's signature sound involves exploring their vocal style, which is a blend of multiple genres, such as rock, soul, and Christian music. They typically use vibrating notes, breathy audios, and catchy hooks to create beautiful harmonies. Using vocal twang and distortion-like sound effects, they create entirely new melodies that elevate their songs to entirely new heights. Use Singing Carrots Resonance in Singing article to improve your timbre and add this vibrato effect to your voice.

Step 3: Practice the Harmony and Choir

If you want to create your own Monk & Neagle-like harmony, practice singing with someone who can work with you. Use their famous work 'The Twenty-First Time' and practice the choir with your fellow singer. You'll learn how to create stunning harmonies, which are a Monk & Neagle staple. Also, check out Singing Carrots Pitch Training, which offers interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualization, and mixture voice exercises for range and agility.

Step 4: Expand your Vocal Range

If you aspire to sing like Monk & Neagle, you will need to improve your vocal range and flexibility. Singing Carrots' Breathing Basics article is a great resource for learning breath control and breath support. The article underscores the importance of active breathing and how to achieve a smoother range of notes.

Step 5: Optimize your posture

Finally, as you work to perfect your Monk & Neagle-like voice, remember to pay attention to your posture. Maintaining proper posture while singing helps ensure good breath control and diaphragmatic support. Singing Carrots' How Posture Affects Your Singing article can help you learn how to maintain proper posture to achieve the optimal Monk & Neagle singing voice.

As you keep refining your craft, Singing Carrotsโ€™ suite of resources can help you expand and improve your vocal skills. With the right combination of practice, dedication, and preparation, you can learn how to sing like Monk & Neagle and take your vocals to a new level.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.